Here's a Random Post for your lazy bums!

Friday, October 9, 2009

From a mother to a Child!

Silent night passes by
With sleepy eyes and musky sighs.
Little heart beats make one
With the sound of the breezy skies
Let me take you there
Where golden chariots of dreams fly.

Do not be afraid of the demons in your head
Let me take you away, let me hold you tight.
Come, fall asleep in my warm embrace
While i sing you my mother's favorite lullaby.
Your little eyes fall on my face
As you drift to another world with million butterflies.

I hear the silent snores,
As in peace you lie.
Your cherubic face
Swell my heart with pride.
This wonderful bundle of joy
Could there be a bigger blessing in my life?

Sleep my baby angel, sleep tight.
As mama sings you another lullaby
Remembering her days, when she was a child.
I relive each memory of the days that have passed by
I still can't believe you're all mine
I couldn't be happier even if i tried.


  1. this is so goddamn amazing!
    Sona, where DO u get the words from!?!
    its dark, yet its bright!
    its subtle, yet its full of impact!
    its simply BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  2. You serious ??
    I wonder the same thing about your poems.
    Where do you get the words from ??? LOL
    Thankyou soooo much for the compliments !!!
    You rock !! :D

  3. nicely crafted.........wonderful........

  4. Thanks soo much! I wrote it specially for my niece. :)
