Here's a Random Post for your lazy bums!

Monday, November 16, 2009

All I Desire!

I am scared of the moonless night
Frightened of the cloudy skies.
I don't want no shocks, only surprise.
I need a surety in my life.

I wanna wake up to the world.
I like peace, no stupid wars.
The universe is a place for love.
Have fights ever solved a wrong?

I don't like to see anyone cry.
Can hurt myself but won't let you die.
I love kids, rainbows and butterflies.
Would pray and serve for thy.

I am strong but feel insecure
At times of distress and discomfort.
I don't need a master, only an equal.
To be by my side forever!

I am scared of the moonless night
Frightened of the cloudy skies.
I don't want no shocks, only surprise.
I need a surety in my life!


  1. oh heavens!!
    dats d onlyn phrase i'm capable of fr it

  2. *smiles happily*
    I guess only a poet could understand another one. :)

  3. the beauty of poems is in their solipcism...
    the same words mean diffrently to everyone!

  4. Yes, i agree. But a poet, usually those with matching frequency are better able to understand each other, in my opinion.
